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Ugrowseeds is an Indian Online Platform That Sells Plants, Gardening Supplies, & Related Products.

A Pre-Independence Establishment Since 1944, Lala Pyare Lal Narang and Amar Nath Narang of m/s. Pyare Lal Janak Raj, Firozpur, Punjab Earned an Astounding Good will in The Seed Market.

The platform also provides resources such as articles, videos, and a gardening community for enthusiasts to share their knowledge and experiences.


-Plants are important for several reasons, especially in modern times when people spend more time indoors due to work and lifestyle changes.

  • Aesthetic appeal: Plants can add beauty and life to any space, whether it’s an office, home, or outdoor garden. They come in various shapes, sizes, and colors, making them versatile and appealing.
  • Health benefits: Plants can improve air quality by absorbing pollutants and releasing oxygen. They can also reduce stress levels, boost mood, and improve mental health.
  • Sustainability: Keeping plants can be an eco-friendly option, as they can help reduce carbon emissions, reduce waste, and support biodiversity.
  • Food production: Growing plants like vegetables and fruits can provide a source of fresh, healthy produce that is free from harmful pesticides and chemicals.
  • Education: Keeping plants can provide a great opportunity for learning about biology, botany, and the natural world.

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